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#10confessions was one of the trending topics on Twitter several days ago. So here are a few of mine.

1. There was a phase in my life where i hated, despised, and detested my brother. For REAL. But now we’re good. 🙂

2. I do hold grudges. ‘Cos i forgive, but i never forget.

3. Walked alone once in a dark alley at 6 in the morning.

4. Never liked my name when i was small. Well, that was then. 🙂

5. I prefer nights than mornings.

6. I’m so addicted to reading that i even read dictionaries.

7. Truthfully, i’ve never watched Ghost Rider till tonight (June 10, 2011). Hahah.

8. Dreamt of being an actor once. But thanks to my height, that dream is crushed. Hah.

9. Used to have a strange belief that if i saw splashes of droplet in the morn, my day would go bad.

10. I have a crush for Shah Rukh Khan. Any doubt?

Last Monday I underwent a dental surgery to remove my left wisdom tooth. Within two days, my cheek had swollen to the size of a fist. More or less so. Haha. Felt like I had goiter for awhile. But in my case it’s in the cheek and smaller. 😛 And I hate the pills called Papase they gave me to prevent the swell from getting bigger. Tasteless but I had to keep sucking. -.- Oh, went to the orthodontist just now ‘cos my parents thought I was supposed to wear those braces today. Turned out the orthodontist meant next Saturday. 😛

Anyways, congrats on your engagement Faden!! 😀 Never thought you’d be the first! ;D

*Can’t stop dancing to Jebal by Kim Hyun Joong ;D*

Signing off,

I Scream for Ice Cream!

I’m back! Heehee. So how am I these days? Terrible. -.- I’ll tell you why. Almost a couple of weeks ago, my parents persuaded me to wear…braces. -.- After a few times of persuasion, I gave my nod. Truthfully, the second my mom voiced the idea to me, I got teary. Why? Even I don’t know the reason. I did cry. Well I still cry about it. Haha I know this sounds so foolish to you. I guess one of the reasons is because over the years, every time I stared into the mirror and smiled, I would put my index finger on top of my lips, covering the one ‘special’ misplaced tooth that ruins every picture of me. And to think that perhaps I’ll no longer be doing that anymore makes me emotional. =’) Lemme tell you I always lack confidence when I confront people. No one knows this because I always act casual in front of other people. And to think that I’d always been teased and laughed at and made fun of just because of ‘it’ really breaks my heart. Another reason I was quite reluctant at first is because I’m afraid if people will still tease me after they see my teeth is no more the same like before. Yes, I am that pessimistic.

So last week was my first meeting with the dentist. Thank God the clinic is just nearby else it would’ve made things difficult for my parents. Wait. I don’t know why I even bother writing about this. You must’ve already read or heard about this similar experience from anyone. I’ll just continue though. Okay so just like any other normal human being, you can say that I’m kinda afraid of those called dentists. Haha. But luckily mine is very nice. And it’s a she. :)) So during that first meeting, she examined my teeth, jaw, face structure and took an X-ray of my teeth. She then made a mold of it where she put this kinda gooey green dough pressed against my teeth and took it out after several minutes. This process is called impression to get the model of your teeth and gum so that the dentist can determine which tooth and how many must be plucked to put on the braces.

Then my next appointment was last Friday. This time I received the professional teeth cleaning treatment which included tooth scaling and tooth polishing. Oh I definitely hated this moment! Then the dentist took pictures of my teeth and jaw structure from each angle. -.- Next, came the process where I was put on 8 elastic separators which are also called spacers. Man, it huuuuuuuuurts! T.T Today is only the third day and I have to endure the pain for another 5 days. Well I didn’t really feel anything on the first day but yesterday, Saturday, which was the 2nd day was worse. I could feel some my teeth moving. Till the day before yesterday I still could feed myself hard food but not anymore. Now I can only eat soft food. T.T Porridge, mashed potatoes, yogurt, ice-cream, to name a few. But now I’m used to the pain. Though it sometimes gets difficult when I brush my teeth. And yes, at this moment I feel like all my teeth are gonna come out. -.-” Oh my separators are blue in colour. Like in this pic. ;D

You will feel as if there’s a piece of food caught between your teeth. Quite uncomfy, yeah. -.-” And now I’m using this toothbrush! Cute ain’t it? 😀 It even has LEGS! Hahaha. ;P Well, it’s actually my youngest bro’s but he has never used it before.

Well, that’s all for now. This Friday I’m gonna undergo a dental surgery to get rid of one wisdom tooth of mine. And probably will apply the braces only next week. Yesterday I watched some videos on YT as to how the surgery is done. What the hell I’m freaking out!!! x’O A doctor even used a hammer??! Okay, let’s just be cool… -.-” Signing off. Going to a distant relative’s wedding tomorrow.

Signing off,

Missed Me?

Hey ho. Been a month since my last visit here. Pardon me. Oh yeah, I’m good, in case you’re wondering. 😛 It’s been 2 weeks now into holidays. And I have another 3 1/2 months to enjoy. Thoroughly? Naahhh. The jitters are still there, until my results come out. Congrats Darina, you finally managed to unpack ALL your stuffs yesterday. *pats shoulder* Fyi, I still haven’t gotten my car yet. That explains why I can’t go out much despite the huge demand from friends. *coughs* Oh, my sister is going to further her tertiary education in Perak and she’s leaving this Monday. So that just leaves me and my youngest bro, Ajim. I’m gonna miss her. =)) Hmm my blogging mood has just come back so let’s go easy and slow. ;D Till later!

Signing off,

Survey #31 – Charmed

And here’s another survey. 😛 Yes. I have nothing better to do at the mo. Haha.

1. The phone rings; who do you want it to be?
— you-know-who’s personal assistant. haha i can’t call him often as that’ll cost me quite some money 😛

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
— hmmm i don’t do grocery shopping. 😛

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
— both :))

4. Do you take compliments well?
— who wouldn’t? 😀

5. Do you play Sudoku?
— never in my life. i never understood how the game is played. pity me -.-

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
— of beasts and wild animals, i might. of ghosts, no. -.-“

7. Do you like to ride horses?
— heck i LOVE it!! that’s my fave thing!! 😀

8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
— yes! i love going to camps! 😀

9. What was your favorite game as a kid?
— malay traditional games ; lubang tikus, congkak, tingting, batu seremban ;D

10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?
— a sexy guy? muahahaha! ;P

11. Have you lied to get out of a date?
— nope 🙂

12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
— yep. as long as we’re only dating and his beliefs aren’t that contrary to mine. and if we were to get married, he’ll need to convert to Islam. :))

13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
— all girls like to be pursued i believe, including me :))

14. Use three words to describe yourself?
— adventurous, fickle-minded, pessimistic -.-

15. Do any songs make you cry?
— oh of cos. but i can’t remember now which one. 😛

16. Are you continuing your education?
— yes i am! ;D

17. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
— i wish i knew how =/ told ya i’m the adventurous type 😀

18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
— i don’t keep my personal docs with me so it’d be my purse.

19. How often do you read books?
— everyday whenever i have the time :)) i just love reading! 😀 call me a nerd so what? ;D

20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
— i’ve no idea. -.-

21. What is your favorite children’s book?
— all books from my enid blyton’s collection! 😀

22. What color are your eyes?
— brown?

23. How tall are you?
— let me not disclose that 😛

24. Where is your dream house located?
— never thought of that before. maybe i should start thinking about it now, shouldn’t i? :))

25. Do you have a secret fetish?
— i do. but it’s not called secret for nothing! ;P

26. Have you tried sushi?
— nope. can you believe that? my dad is very particular about halal food and he doesn’t allow his kids to have those. even though they say it’s halal.

27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
— lemme see. we never really took pics. we were just faking it. 😛

28. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
— where’s that place anyway?

29. When was the last time you were at Church?
— i’m a Muslim and i never go to the Church

30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
— errrrrrr my kitchen?? 😛

31. What was your favorite cartoon series during your childhood?
— sailormoon!! 😀 i’ve watched the first 3 seasons and just the beginning of season 4 so i’ll finish watching it during these coming holidays! ;D

32. Do you like mustard?
— no -.-

33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
— EAT!! 😀 i’m always in!

34. Do you look like your mom or dad?
— dad 🙂

35. How long does it take you in the shower?
— 15 mins and above

36. Can you do the splits?
— haha sadly no 😛

37. What movie do you want to see right now?
— RA.One and Don 2!!! but both will only be released in the second half of the year =(

38. If you could fast forward your life, would you?
— i’d rather not. i’m enjoying my teenage life to the max. ;))

39. What did you do for New Year’s?
— nothing? 😛

40. Do you think The Grudge was scary?
— sorry never heard of it before 😛

41. Could you relate to a character in Mean Girls?
— nope 😛

42. Do you own a camera phone?
— everybody does! ;D

43. Do you have an “ex box” with pics and letters from past lovers?
— haha should i tell? 😛

44. Was your mom a cheerleader?
— nope. but she was the class president for a few years ;D

45. What’s the last letter of your middle name?
— i’ve no middle name

46. Do you like your middle name?
— what should i like when i have none?

47. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
— 4-5 hours are enough for me :))

48. Do you like care bears?
— unn-nooo

49. What do you buy at the movies?
— popcorns anyone? 😀

50. Do you know how to play poker?
— i only poke people on fb 😛

51. Do you wear your seatbelt?
— only when i’m in the front seats

52. What do you wear to sleep?
— i feel like a celeb having to answer questions like this 😛 very intrusive

53. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
— my grandma’s demise in 2007. may Allah bless her soul. amin

54. How many meals do you eat a day?
— when i’m at home, it’ll be whenever i feel bored and hungry. when i’m at the college, standard 3 times per day

55. Is your tongue pierced?
— naahh. i’d get killed if i ever did that 😛

56. Ever meet anyone you met on myspace?
— only my friends haha

57. Do you read myspace bulletins?
— never. what’s myspace anyway? 😛

58. Do you like funny or serious people better?
— funneeehhh! ;D serious people are scary

59. Ever been to England?
— yep. London :))

60. Did you eat a cookie today?
— there’re no cookies in my house =/

61. Do you use cuss words in other languages?
— sometimes

62. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
— they didn’t say i have to pay 😛

63. Do you hate chocolate?
— i LOVE chocolates!!

64. What do you and your parents fight about the most?
— i never fight with my parents :))

65. Are you a gullible person?
— quite -.-

66. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?
— nope! 😀

67. If you could have any job what would it be?
— haha i’ve always dreamt of being a really famous star like you-know-who when i was small ;D such a nice thing when you thought of the kind of stardom you’d get. not to mention the being rich part 😀

68. Are you easy to get along with?
— most of my friends say so! 😀 so i guess i am!

69. What is your favorite time of day?
— from midnight till dawn!

Signing off,

Survey #30 – KLJ

Sorry guys. Been sabbatical for awhile. 😛 Today I feel like answering surveys. So here’s the first one. 😉 More updates comin’ up soon! And don’t mind the title if you have no idea of what it means. 😛

haha nope. it’s definitely not the time yet. 😛

duhh! everyone must’ve had! -.-

i seriously don’t like to work out. but might just do during the holidays that are about to come 😉

nasi lemak. haha that was my breakfast today ;D can’t imagine my life without it

height/voice. whichever.

i can never choose ^^”

near to sk subang bestari. go figure. hahaha

sekolah tun fatimah. i miss you!

never had one before. even during my holidays after spm. or semester breaks.

no idea. that just shows how much i’ve been busy lately 😛

dila! 😀

haha we had a skype session coupla weeks ago! ;D

KFC anyone? 😉

citroen xsara. but now it’s in the workshop and i’ll only be able to drive it again after probably a month ='(

can’t recall. that’s a good thing right? ;D

anything that has fish in it. yes. i don’t like fish -.- well except for certain few dishes.

my name is khan till date! ;D

well i dunno. ya think??

haha sonu niigaam’s 😀 rocking! *say what u want. u should know by now i’m all for bollywood haha*

my cellphone o’cos ;D

coffee is my life 🙂

scrambled! 😀

i’m so very easily influenced by people. whenever someone hates a person and tells me negative stuff about him/her, i’ll automatically hate that person too for no reason. -.-

winter and autumn :))

9.30 am ^^”

super cool! ;D i mean, johnny depp is! 😛

india, rome, venice :))

YES! 😀 and the first time was 9 years ago in London! :)) wish to go there again ;))

uhhuh 🙂

oh yes. he keeps haunting my mind ever since that day. and i’ll only be seeing him again after 6 months =(

Signing off,

Shah Rukh Hunt ;)

And now my report on the Shah Rukh Hunt in KL. ;D

Okay, so you know Shah Rukh shot for Don 2 in Malacca, Langkawi and KL. I went to Malacca and gave you the details already, even though it’s a short one. ^^” Wanted to go to Langkawi too but I couldn’t. Shah Rukh was there for 2 weeks but he wasn’t in Malaysia on the first weekend so I didn’t go. And the next weekend, he was in Langkawi but I couldn’t go as I had study commitments that Sunday. :confused: But my friends who I just met and knew in Malacca went there. The fan that spent $3000 who I call as Erum came to Langkawi with her boyfriend. They endured the 10-hour journey just for the sake to see Shah Rukh. On Saturday night (Feb 26), they were having a meal at the coffee house, then suddenly Shah Rukh passed by. There were quite a lot of fans gathering outside the hotel that evening. She saw him and quickly ran to him and shouted his name. Shah Rukh noticed her and she asked for a hug and he gave her one. And it was a tight one!!! :dance: Shah Rukh was rushing at that time and no digital photography was allowed so she couldn’t take any pic. He was on his way to have dinner with Tun Dr Mahathir and was already late so he left.

And came the day for Shah Rukh to come to Kuala Lumpur. I had been collecting as much info as possible about the hotel he was gonna stay at in KL, his flight details etc. And as usual, I set out on the journey alone. Thank God I don’t have classes after 12 on Fridays, so I went to the hotel as soon as I finished class. Reached the hotel at 4 something and Shah Rukh was due to land at KLIA at 4.40pm. Met another Malacca friend there, Sabeena. We chatted while waiting and we were the only fans there at that time. I guess because it was a working day plus no one figured out about the hotel yet. :pThen at 5 something, PC arrived. Wow she’s beautiful in real!!!!! :flame:Very nice body figure and tall too!! Or am I the short one?? :p We asked for a pic and her autograph and she then quickly went up to her room. Waited and waited and waited and hotel staffs started to fill the hotel lobby. I knew he was gonna arrive anytime soon!! They lined up and got their cameras ready. We were somehow blocked but tried to squeeze in between them. -.-” Then came Shah Rukh’s car!!! OMG, he has arrived!!!! :flame::flame:Saw him getting out of the car and walked in!!! The first thing I noticed was that the hair extensions were gone!!! I was so relieved to see that and how handsome he looked in his normal look again!!!! :love::hug::kiss: He was in a dark blue shirt and was wearing dark shades. Melting melting and melting!!!! And he was wearing a white hat!!!! I SOOOOOO love to see him in a hat!!! :faint2: :love: Saw the same local bodyguards in Malacca and they were like stopping people from taking Shah Rukh’s pics. He was walking quite fast and suddenly was already at the lift and went up to his room. And I went back.

The next day, Sat Mar 5, I went to the hotel again, not in the afternoon, but in the evening, around 8pm. But Sabeena went in the afternoon, somewhere around 3. We were told that Shah Rukh won’t be having any movement till evening, so I stayed at my college to finish my video I made for him. Sabeena kept me updated though. She said there were like 10 or so Malay girl fans waiting for him at the hotel lobby. She was having a cup of coffee at the lounge when she suddenly saw Shah Rukh walking out of the lift and quickly ran to him. This one is pretty much like Erum. She asked for a hug and Shah Rukh hugged her and walked to the car. She was the only who got Shah Rukh’s attention out of all the fans present there. And then she went back. And I reached the hotel at 8pm. There I saw a Punjabi family and two other girls waiting. First we saw PC who was walking out of the lift to the car. We tried to take pics but then the film crews didn’t allow us as she was in her costume. Whoaaa, this girl is veeeeeery pretty!!! Love when she ties her hair!! ;D Some people went up to her and took her autograph but I just stood there. Haha. No point in approaching her. :p And she left to the shooting sets. The Punjabi family too went back home when they thought it’s already getting late. Then, when it was almost 10.30pm, Shah Rukh came back. This time he was in a dark blue top and jeans. The two girls ran and approached him as soon as he got out of the car, asking for some pics. I followed them but then I was stopped by this one short, bald, local bodyguard and he said to me, “You already got a pic with him, right??” I was like, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU CARE??! :director: :brick: I only managed one pic. -.- Just watched the girls with Shah Rukh and then a little chaos happened. The girls were trying to ask the bodyguards if they could take the pic and were showing how to but then Shah Rukh became angry and shouted at them. I was actually shocked and very surprised to see the scene!!!! :jaw: Never had I seen Shah Rukh got angry like that and shouted at fans. But then it made sense because the girls should’ve gotten ready with their cameras earlier but instead he had to wait for them. It was a bit weird because he just got back from meetings with sponsors and shopping, so why would he rush?? :confused2: The next thing is just go to bed. But yeah, he’s Shah Rukh Khan. He can perform 10 things in 10 minutes that’s why time is very important. ;) He was shouting, “What are you doing?! Fast! Fast! You’re wasting your time!” His face was serious.
That’s why I was dumbfounded. They got a pic taken and another girl who happened to pass by saw him and asked a pic too. He then quickly walked inside and was stopped again for pics by some other fans. And these two girls came running again to him asking for another pic because they said the first one didn’t come out right. Shah Rukh looked so tensed but obliged and again said in a high voice the same things. I didn’t dare approach him because I didn’t want to make him angrier. Felt like he shouted at me too!! :sad: He then rushed to the lift and hugged Datuk Lorna who was walking behind him and went straight to his room. So that was all for the night. On one hand I feel very lucky that I got to see both sides of him, I mean, the Shah Rukh when he’s happy and the Shah Rukh when he feels down. :)

The next day, Sunday Mar 6, I was told by a film crew that shooting starts at 1.30pm. I have a friend who was an extra in the film as a police and so I went to the shooting sets. Waited and waited till somewhere around 4, PC came and they started the shoot. Whoaaa!!! I seriously couldn’t believe my eyes that I was watching Priyanka Chopra shoot!!!! :target: And I was the only fan there on the sets!! Other fans weren’t allowed to enter. ^^” I was speechless as PC and Farhan were so close to me!! Then they took a short break and Farhan and PC sat on the chairs provided for them. I was standing really close to them that I could even see the scene shot in the camera!!! I was standing behind PC and could hear her hum, “Disco deewana…” :p And she laughed when Farhan heard her. Haha. She turned around and noticed me. I said hi to her and she smiled. :) And then I waited inside the dressing room for extras. Then at almost 8 Shah Rukh came!!! But he was sitting inside his van while Farhan gave instructions to the extras and PC and Om Puri as to how the scene was to be done. Few minutes later Shah Rukh came to the sets all clad in white!!! He looked soooo different but still managed to look as hot as ever!!!!! :flame: Especially with the hair extensions and stubble!!! OMG!!! :madgrin: I’m actually watching SHAH RUKH KHAN shoot LIVE in front of me!!!!!:dance: I felt like fainting ‘cos it felt so surreal!!! =O He was so cool!!! Truly an unforgettable experience!!! :D But I’m so terribly sorry I couldn’t take any pics as I was surrounded by film crews and it was very hard to do so. :( After the scene was shot, Shah Rukh went outside to smoke and chatted a bit with Om Puri. I went outside to take a closer look at him. Ahhhhh this man is so beautiful!!!! *melts* :love: There were only a few fans outside but no one was allowed near him. Then I saw Subhash walking to the van. I followed him and he saw me. I asked him if he could pass the album of postcards to Shah Rukh because I seriously was giving up on wanting to give it personally to him. I was intending to go back because it was already 10.15pm and it takes quite long to reach college. But then he asked me to wait till the shoot finished and he’d call me to give it myself. He insisted I should wait. So I had no choice but wait. I didn’t go back inside the shooting area, instead waited somewhere near the van. So that it’d be easier for Subhash to call me later. Chatted with the vans drivers. They told me a lot of wonderful things during the shoot in Langkawi. I was also surprised to know that they were even there in Berlin, Germany for the shoot. One driver told me that Shah Rukh shot a scene with Lara on a bridge where he was riding the Ducati motorbike with Lara at the back seat. They showed me all the pics they took with him and those they secretly took of him. :p And there was one killer pic where Shah Rukh was TOPLESS!!!!! :jaw:Gosh!!!! I can still remember it very vividly and clearly!!! He looked SO DAMN HOT!!!!! :flame::flame::flame::eyebrows: With white pants if I’m not mistaken. :madgrin: He just finished a scene and was about to meet Dr Mahathir. And the crew told me that the shoot in Langkawi was done in a small island where they had to take boats to go there everyday. So no fans could go there. And Shah Rukh finally finished shooting at 2am. I was waiting by the van but he didn’t come. Instead, I saw his Mercedes went to the area outside the sets. He got into the car and left. I was actually disappointed and a tad bit sad but not that much. So one of the crew dropped me off that morning to my college.

The next day only Sabeena went to the hotel to see him. I didn’t go that Monday and Tuesday as my schedule was packed and I was always alone so it’d be a bit difficult for me. That Tuesday afternoon Sabeena went there with the intention to get a pic taken with him. And she got it. And the next day which was Wednesday Mar 9, I went to the hotel again. I have no classes on Wednesdays, so I went there in the morning and reached at 11am. I brought along the album and a letter for Subhash. Asked the hotel staff to pass it to Subhash. As Subhash doesn’t speak Hindi much, I asked my dear friend Anshula to write the letter in Hindi for me. :) I wrote to him to pass the gift to Shah Rukh and will be waiting for his reply at the lobby, if Shah Rukh has seen it. :p Haha I actually had a hope that Shah Rukh would send Subhash to the lobby and invite me to the suite! HAHAHAHA I know it’s very silly and sounds so impossible. But who knows right? Since there was only me. :p And then Subhash came down to the lobby. I was quite surprised and we chatted a bit. He said Shah Rukh was still sleeping because they got back from Malacca late last night, in the wee hours. Awww poor Shah Rukh. :hug::kiss: And suddenly images of the cute Shah Rukh sleeping came into mind. :p:biggrin1: Subhash then asked for my phone number and gave me a miscall using the Malaysian number. I was veeeeeery surprised when he said that I can call him anytime if I want to know any info regarding Shah Rukh’s whereabouts. OMG, why is this man SO NICE??? :eek: Asked him about some German fans who are my friends and he said he knows them too. :D He told me that that day, Wednesday would be the last day of shoot and on Thursday evening, Shah Rukh would attend the Tag Heuer boutique launch at KLCC. He asked me to come again before 6 if I wanted to see Shah Rukh. So we said goodbyes and I went to have lunch. Came back at 4 something and saw Erum, Sabeena and her boyfriend, and another friend I met in Malacca. I missed them! Caught up with each other while waiting and about 7 something, Shah Rukh came down. This time he was wearing a white top, the one where I took the pics with him. And definitely in a much neater look as he tied his hair. :becky: And this time the bodyguards didn’t stop us at all!!!! :dance: I let others take pics with him first because they hadn’t had any with him alone. Then I saw an empty space beside him and quickly stood beside him. He saw me and reached out his hand and I held out mine and put my hand on his waist while he put his hand on my shoulder!! It was quick and when we looked to the cameras, I was like, oh wait, where am I putting my left hand?? Then it came like an electric shot to me as I then realised that I was putting my hand on his waist!!!!!!!!! WHOAAAAAAA!!!! :jaw:My dream came true!!!! He was wearing a thin fabric of cloth so I could actually feel the skin!!!! :flame: :faint2: Then I asked him if he had received the album and he said yes!!! He said he had read all the postcards and said they’re very sweet. And he thanked all those who sent them!! He also kept patting my head like he did last time. :love::hug::kiss: And he then walked to the car. I shouted Thank you, Shah Rukh!! and he turned around blowing a flying kiss!! x)) Aaaaahhhhh my heart dropped when he looked into my eyes!!! :redface: So that was it for that day. ;)

I didn’t plan to come again the next day which was Thursday, Mar 10, because I have classes from morning till 7pm. But I have a friend who just checked in into the hotel that afternoon with her son and sister. She said I can sleep in her room if I want. Heck I’m definitely in!!! Especially when that friend of mine who is a Punjabi met Shah Rukh at 6 something!!! And she said he was sooooooooo handsome because he got his hair extensions taken off already!!! :target: She said there was a red carpet laid out for him at the hotel before the event. She and her sister saw him in the grey T-shirt and jeans walking out of the lift and shouted his name and approached him but he asked them to wait for 5 minutes and went to the car. Said something to the driver and then he came back to them. :becky: They thought they missed the chance already but he kept his promise!!! He hugged, kissed, gave blessings to them, posed for pics and gave autographs. Those three were the only fans there. And he went back up to his room. My friend immediately called me so of course the adrenaline rush in me got very high!!!! :flame::flame::flame: Hahahahaha I definitely cannot wait till the next day!! So I was very rushing that evening. As soon as I finished class, quickly called a cab and took the train to the hotel because it takes one hour and a half from my college so I was very very afraid if I would miss him that night. And finally arrived at the hotel at 9.30pm. So later me and my friend waited at the hotel lobby. Yep. There was no one there except for us. :D Then at 10.10pm, I saw a Mercedes parked in front of the hotel and I knew instantly that it was him. Saw him and the tired look on his face. :hug::kiss: Nevertheless I walked up to him with my friend behind me and the moment he saw us he smiled. I thought of asking straightaway for autograph because I didn’t want to bother him much since he looked tired but he pulled me into a hug!!!! :hug::madgrin: Definitely one of the best hugs I’ve ever had!!!! *faints* And at that instant I could smell the very nice scent of him again!!!! *on cloud nine* Aaaahhhhh felt like fainting!!!!!!

And I quickly asked for autographs for my friends and for me in case he would walk away and he wore his red glasses and took a look at the small card of his pic. x)) He stared at it for a moment, and flipped it backward. And wrote “To, Darina, Lots of Love & Happiness” I was like AAAAHHHHHHH he wrote my name!!!!!! YAYYYYYS!!!! Haha he actually wrote DERINA but I corrected him. :) And then he signed two more autographs for my friends. And then he asked, “Two?” Awwwww how cute his voice is!!!!!!!!! :dance: Hahaha and I said yes. I repeatedly kept apologising to him for disturbing him and then he hugged me again. This time tighter and longer!!!!!! GAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! :love::love::love: I’m sure you understand how I feel!!!!! And I looooove his scent!! x)) :faint2: And then some hotel staff asked for a pic too and I heard him ask, “Where’s your camera?” The staff was like clueless and was hoping someone could take a photo of them together and I saw Shah Rukh sighed. And then he went up to his room. That night I couldn’t sleep thinking that I was just 12 floors below him in the same hotel. :p Wanted to check out his floor but he went out for a party at midnight. And finally finished editing the video.

Then came the last day for Shah Rukh in Malaysia, Mar 11, 2011. Immediately went to the hotel after I finished class at noon. Met the same gang there waiting for Shah Rukh. But today there was an addition of a few more fans, 3-4 of them. And the hotel lobby was crowded with local Indian film crew wanting to meet him too. Talked to Yusuf a bit and then he saw my gift. He asked me to give it to the hotel staff to pass it to Subhash so that he could include it in the baggage else it would be left behind. I was a bit sad ‘cos I was hoping to give it to Shah Rukh personally but then I did what he said. And I’m soooooooo glad I did!!! :blabla: Because Shah Rukh went through the basement instead of walking through the lobby!!! :hurt: I was quite heartbroken because I so very much wanted to see him for the last time before he went back to India but I didn’t get the chance. :ohwell: Earlier at 3.30pm I called Subhash asking when Shah Rukh would be coming down and he said in about 20 minutes. But I forgot to ask if he’d walk through the lobby. :fish: :brick:Then suddenly at 4 something I saw the Mercedes parked in front of the hotel missing and the lobby was no more crowded. I had the feeling that he already left and Shah Rukh’s local butler confirmed it. :Cry: Daaang!!! I should’ve sensed the hint Yusuf was telling me earlier!! But hmmm, what to do?? It’s not my luck. So we parted ways and went back. I had to get back home ‘cos my dad asked me to else I would definitely go straight to the airport. Then I received a call from Erum saying that she saw Shah Rukh with PC at the Pavilion!!! The bodyguards recognised her and Yusuf was telling her not to come forward so she just watched them and Shah Rukh noticed her and smiled and waved at her. Hmmm, I guess it’s true that Shah Rukh doesn’t entertain fans when he’s with female co-stars and I understand why. :)) He was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, as usual. :DAnd then another friend went to the airport to see him and he got a pic taken with Shah Rukh but a blurry one. Yusuf didn’t allow him for a pic with Shah Rukh earlier because they were already late for the flight to Delhi. The plane was about to take off at 6.50pm and they just arrived at 6.30pm and all the other passengers had boarded the plane. That friend of mine told me that the flight was delayed because of Shah Rukh. :p But Shah Rukh agreed so they took the pic and he went inside. So that was it. My whole experience for the past month hunting for Shah Rukh. :D

I’m very very glad and grateful for the chance and opportunity and luck to be able to meet Shah Rukh again. Especially to see him shoot live. Thank you God!!! :pray2: Sorry for the long post and sorry for the delay in posting!!

Signing off,

My February with My SRK ;)

Hi all! Praise be to God, I managed to meet SRK again this week. :) I was already very sad that I couldn’t follow him to Malacca that Sunday but God really has His own plans for me. :D The next day (Monday), I was still unsure that morning as to whether I should go to Malacca or not. But made up my mind and right after I finished my class at 4, I took the bus to Malacca. My car got damaged remember?? -.- And alone again this time. :sad: Reached Malacca at 7 something and straightaway went to the hotel Shah stayed in. I had Googled the night before about all the 5-star resorts in Malacca and had zeroed in on this one hotel. Wasn’t sure earlier but a friend said she’s quite sure about it. So yeah. Tried my luck and reached the hotel at 8 something. Asked the hotel security guy whether Shah was staying there and he said yes. “Yayyy!! :whoo:” Whoa. Never thought my instinct would be right! :D So waited at the lobby and suddenly songs from Shah’s hit movies started playing! God, I was starting to get more nervous!! :p This is truly something special for me. :) Feel like I’m in a totally different world already. :p Oh, I was the only fan there. I guess no one found out about his whereabout yet at that time. So yes, the hotel lobby was empty except for me and some hotel staffs. I was offered a drink and some thought that I was to check out when they saw my wheeled bag. :D Saw Boman first that night and greeted him. Aww he was so nice and even surprised to see me. :becky: Took a pic and talked a bit. Asked him whether the shoot has finished for the day but he said no. He got back early. :) Then later Farhan came back. Asked for a pic with him and he obliged. Love Farhan! Especially his voice! :p Then, after almost half an hour, every hotel staffs was like rushing, running, talking to their walkie talkie. “Shah Rukh Khan is on the way back.” :flame::flame::flame: Yeeeeeeees!! Getting more and more excited!!! :p This was really something new to me because I’ve never seen scenes like this before in real life. Let alone when Shah Rukh is the VVIP. :kiss: Hehe took out my “Still Reading Khan” book and a marker pen, getting my lines memorised to say to him. And there I saw his car parked in front. Walked slowly to the area as there were full of hotel staffs. And I saw him getting out of the car. Whoaaaaa!! His HAIR!! What actually happened to his hair??! :jaw: Lol. That was my first reaction. :pBut he looks HOT anyways!!! He was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and shades. I wanted to approach him but he quickly walked to the buggy and Subhash and Yusuf were already putting his bags in the buggy. It was quite fast and I actually didn’t dare to approach him because he looked so damn exhausted!! His face looked sad and he only managed a weak smile to the staffs. Yes, he didn’t notice me. :Cry: I quickly walked farther in front but the buggy has already moved. ='( It’s okay, I told myself. I don’t mind if you guys would call me foolish for not taking pics of him during that time but if you were in my shoes, you won’t think of that. Because you would be so engrossed in his sad face. :hurt: That was the first time I’ve ever seen Shah like that. I could see that he was really tired cos his movement was somewhat slow.

Earlier I was told by the security guy that Shah would come down to have his dinner at the cafe at the lobby so I waited. Till midnight, he didn’t show up. So again I was told by another person that he took his dinner somewhere else. -.- Okay, then had a chat with this 1 person and he told me quite a few things about SRK. :D He even showed me a pic of SRK shooting in the jail. He snapped the pic secretly of course. :p Shah was wearing a complete prison uniform, all dressed in orange. :cool2: :faint2: So later that night my friend picked me up at the hotel and I went to her place.

The next morning I went back to the hotel at 8 something. Again, there was no one there. I kept seeing the same people at the hotel lobby that I’d started to feel embarrassed. :p But I shooed the feelings away. ;) While I was waiting, I talked to 3 local bodyguards of SRK and they were very surprised that I actually know Subhash Jain, Yusuf, and Yaseen. And they were also surprised to know about what I’ve been through to meet SRK. They told me a few things about him and at almost 10 am, SRK came to his car. I was very thrilled to see him!!!! :target: This time his electric shot hair is tied and he looks SO HOT I tell youuuuu!!!! xD I love how he’s experimenting with his looks! He was wearing a baggy beige long-sleeved shirt and shades. :love: If only the bodyguards let me talk to Shah it’d be better!! :rolleyes: They didn’t allow me to jump on him, as they would say. :p So I saw Shah sitting in the buggy moving to the car. As he walked I shouted his name and waved at him and he saw me and smiled and got into the Mercedes. :faint2: Mr Subhash then gave him a glass of juice and I saw him drinking it!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! This might be nothing to you but have never seen him eat or drink anything in real so this is something special for me and he looks soooooooo cute!!! :kiss: Looking down while sipping his drink, not a single movement. :love::love::love: Mr Subhash also saw me and gave me a oh-you-are-here smile. He and Yusuf got into the car and they went away to the shooting sets. I quickly got into a taxi I called earlier to follow the Mercedes but we couldn’t catch up. :p Of course right? Haha. And I went to the shooting sets which was the jail in Sungai Udang. Met 2 couples and another group of fans there who were waiting to see Shah too. We instantly got close and waited together under the hot sun. -.-” I was informed that on that day the Chief Minister of Malacca would be coming so we’ve been trying to get help to enter the jail area because only those with VIP passes can enter. Met a journalist and he promised us he would help us to see Shah. He passed our note to Shah and Shah was holding our note in the pics you’ve all been seeing! :D He apparently didn’t come out to see us even for awhile but I understand. There would be a commotion if he did. :) Instead, we managed to see glimpses of him from outside when he took pics with the Chief Minister. :flame: Hotness everywhere!!! Muscles everywhere!!! :faint2: Okay, so the whole day we didn’t get to see him so decided to go back to the hotel. That night there were about 15 of us. We waited and waited and got to meet Boman and Farhan. They were both so sweet especially Boman. Took pics and autographs. Joked around. Then I saw Shah’s car but he WASN’T there!! :Cry: I knew it!! Somebody must have told them about us!! :mad: The bodyguards told us to go home but we didn’t budge even a little. Waited till almost midnight and met Mr. Yusuf, Shah’s head of security. My, this guy really has very good memory. :O He was telling the other fans about me meeting Shah last November in KL. :confused2: He remembered me from the hotel and the airport. He was actually very surprised himself that I knew Shah was coming last time because no one was supposed to know about it. Lastly he told us that that night wasn’t possible. He also told us that the receptionist informed them that there were like 25 fans at the lobby so they had to get Shah into the villa via the back gate. :Cry: He didn’t promise us anything but said he’d try to help us the next morning.

And the next morning, Wednesday morning, I went to the hotel and met the other fans who stayed the night there. We saw our pic in the newspaper but thank God I wasn’t really visible as I was hiding. :eek: Met Mr Yusuf again that morning and he promised us that Shah would come to meet us before he went for shooting. :dance::dance: Hmmm he’s actually quite nice. :) And exactly 9:40 am the man we’d been waiting for arrived!!!! He was wearing a black, long-sleeved shirt and shades and the instant we saw him we started to scream his name and he smiled and gestured to us to give him the things to sign!!! :flame:I finally got my SRK book and pic of me with him autographed!!! :whoo::target: I SO loooooooved how smoothly he took out the pic of us from the book and carefully put it back inside after signing!! :love: We asked for a group photo and Shah immediately stood beside me and I was like….. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! :faint2::faint2::faint2: I quickly told him that I met him last November and he smiled at me and held my shoulder and said something but I couldn’t hear as it was quite noisy. :hurt: He put his hand on my shoulder and we took pics. :D And again I feel so petite. :p It was all very fast and the next second he was already in the car. Waved at him and he was gone. :) Gooooooooosh, I’m still speechless!!!!! The image of him looking at me is still stuck in my head!!!!! I mean, we were looking at each other as I was standing beside him so you can imagine how close his face was to mine!!!!! :p Gaaaaahhhhh I can even see his stubble clearly!!! :dance: Thanks so much Allah!!! Eventhough I didn’t get to have a conversation with him this time but it was all worth it!! Every meeting with Shah is the best moment of my life I feel like I’m on cloud nine!!! May more and better opportunities come my way and yours to meet SRK!!! :pray2::pray2::pray2: Thanks for reading! :grouphug: Sorry if the post is too long. ^^” Oh, Shah has checked out from the hotel on Friday morning and is already on the way back to Mumbai for some other commitments. :) See you in KL Shaaaaah!! If only it’s holidays then I would’ve followed him too to Langkawi. :p The hotel he’s gonna stay in there is sooooooo very beautiful!!! =D I am soooooo jealous of the fans who will be in Langkawi!! And hey, am quite surprised that no one actually knew where Shah Rukh stayed at in Malacca till yesterday, when the newspaper printed it out. 😛 Oh and hey, I got to wish him a HAPPY BELATED VALENTINE’S DAY too!! xP Meeting him on Valentine’s Day is already too special for me!! x))) And I’m veeeeeery grateful and glad that I found a few other SRK die-hard, fanatic, maniac fans of Shah Rukh who are just as demented as me!! xD Will miss you guys!! –> Cedah, Fiza, Erum, Fahad, Sabeeha, Raj, Nirmal, Sabeena, Asif, Wardah!! ;D See y’all soon!!

Signing off,

Zee Cine Awards 2011

Yeahhh I’m back!! Wuahahahaha. How have you been? I’ve been good, but pretty busy lately. What’s the latest story? Hehe, I went to Singapore last week. What for? To attend Zee Cine Awards, a Bollywood award function. ;D Don’t jump to conclusions, ‘cos it’s not actually what you think. 🙂 I didn’t buy the tickets to the event. ‘Cos the cheapest one could get for the ticket was $197 which is equivalent to almost RM500! I’m still sane okay haha so I didn’t buy the ticket and thus had no plans whatsoever initially to go to Singapore. BUT. I Googled for some info on previous award shows if there’s any contest in which the winner could walk away with prizes of free tickets to the events and after some researches, I found what I wanted. And usually, the contests would be up on the net 2 weeks before the actual event. And there you go, 2 weeks before ZCA was to happen, there was a contest organised by Tune Talk in collaboration with Zee TV. I didn’t have to do anything brain-cracking; just upload a photo of me posing like my favourite star, a perfect impersonation of him/her if possible, and include anything red in the pic, and wahla! Wanna see how my pic turned out? 😛

The top left pic is SRK as Surinder Sahni in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, and as for the bottom pic is SRK on the sets of My Name Is Khan. 😛 He was wearing Mama Jenny’s clothes. Haha.

Waited a day and the next day the organiser called me informing me that I won the GRAND PRIZE!! Two free return flights, free one-night stay at Marina Bay Sands, the hotel where all the stars would be staying at, and two free tickets to the award show costing $280 each!! Gaaahhhh!! Thrilled!! 😀 And oh, when I went to the Zee office to collect the tickets, they weren’t actually $280 tickets, but $390 tickets!! Ecstatic! xD Can’t believe my luck! xP I used to think that I’m always unlucky but ever since I met you-know-who things are starting to take a whole turn. 😀 Not being superstitious though. 🙂 But alhamdulillah ;)) Hehe

To cut the story short, I went to Singapore with Tqasha, one of my besties. 🙂 My friend on PlanetSRK whom I just met for the first time that day fetched me and Tqasha up from the airport and brought us to the hotel. My, I couldn’t express how I felt when I set my feet there. There were 3 towers, and we were located at Tower 3. And I was told that all the big stars including you-know-who were mostly located at Tower 2. Then, had a late lunch with them and checked out the place til it was 5.30pm. We started to see people in beautiful gowns and dresses and suits roaming around, waiting to enter the venue. Oh, forgot to mention, I decided to bring another Singaporean friend named Sharmiela to the event, ‘cos she helped me edit the pic. 🙂 And we immediately went back up to the room ‘cos we were afraid we would be late. 😛 Wanna see what I wore for that night? xP

Only then that I know how it feels like to be clueless on what to wear to an award function. xP But it’s actually very exciting when you feel like you’re going on a date with the stars! So you really want to look your best!! 😀 Hahaha. And yes, that’s Shar in the pic ;D

So we went to the venue which was the Sands Grand Ballroom at almost 7 pm. I couldn’t help but feel proud to be in the crowd, and feel kinda exclusive because the tickets weren’t cheap so those going must have come from the middle and high class community. You know what I mean. Not degrading anyone here, please. 🙂 Then, we were allowed to enter the ballroom at around 7.45 pm. Man, I felt so great and delighted at the sight of the stage!! 😀 It was very beautiful and colourful!! Never in my life would I ever dream of coming to a Bollywood award show, let alone staying in the same hotel as the stars and all that for FREE!! :O Thank you Allah x)) Finally, my dreams are coming true, one by one. :)) We waited anxiously for the stars especially you-know-who to appear, taking pics in the meantime. There was a crowd at the corner of the ballroom, we wanted to go to that section, but couldn’t as there were a lot of people gathering there and we later found out that they were there because the stars would appear from behind the black curtains near them. But I wasn’t that sad as I came there merely to enjoy the show. 🙂

And the show started at exactly 9 o’clock. Sajid Khan entered the stage and showed the audience a footage of Akshay Kumar, before the man himself came out and greeted the audience. Wow. This is it, I told myself. I really couldn’t believe that I was actually there!! Witnessing one of the biggest Bollywood award shows live. What’s more exciting was I’d get to watch Shah Rukh Khan perform live in front of me!! And to witness him receiving the award!! =D I felt blessed that I understand Hindi language, well, most of it. 🙂 Felt proud yet again ‘cos I laughed at the right moment others did when Sajid or Akshay or other presenters cracked jokes. xP Then, it was Priyanka Chopra who entered the stage imitating Salman Khan in Dabangg. That was my first time listening to the ‘Hud Hud Dabangg’ song and instantly liked it. ;D Priyanka was very cool no wonder she’s one of the finest actresses there is. 😀 Award-giving segment followed suit. MNIK won the Best Marketed Film award and Karan Johar went to the stage to receive it!! I LOOOOOOVE Karan!!! xD He’s so sweet!! x)) Hehe okay so then other performances followed suit, performed by Arjun Rampal with Neha Dhupia, Sophie Choudry, Jacqueline Fernandes, Anusha, and another actress I couldn’t remember. 😛 Arjun was awesome! Loved his performance! Then, it was Aishwarya and next was Deepika. I don’t know how to say this but when the ballroom was filled with only Bollywood songs, I felt WOW. Like I was really in Mumbai! Where I can only hear Hindi language. Overall it was great!! 😀

Shah Rukh came up to the stage to present Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh their awards and man did he look so handsome?? 😀 Loved the suit he was wearing! ;D He definitely has a good taste in everything. x)) Then it was almost 1 am. At last, the finale performance I was waiting for since the day I got the news I won the contest. xP The FINALE performance by none other than SHAH RUKH KHAN!! Man, he just looked soooo hoooooot!!! xD I was stunned and dumbfounded when I realised that I was actually watching him perform LIVE right in front of my eyes!! I got my camera ready and the second the music started the recording mode was on! The stage was so colourful and the music of Mitwa mixed with Noor-E-Khuda started playing! Then there Shah Rukh appeared!! People were not quite responsive but everyone was like edging forward and you could tell that he had the most stage presence among all performers of course. 😀 You could hear me scream if you watch my videos!! 😀 I felt like I was actually at one of his concerts!! =D I sang along as he danced to the music. I just LOOOOOOVE every bit of his performance it didn’t lack anything!! The way he danced, the way he showed his expressions on the face, the way he spinned, and then dropped to his knees, gaaaahhhhhh…I would’ve fainted if I were actually at the very first row!! :O

Then, the performance ended. He took the mic and I was literally shouting in my head screaming, “Yes yes yes!!! Now his act!!” He took off his glittery jacket and spoke to the audience in Hindi. As usual he was at his wittiest best and later invited Hrithik Roshan and wife, Sussanne on the stage for a small segment. 😀 Hrithik was then taught by Shah Rukh how to sing and dance Sajdaa Rizwan’s way. And Sussanne retaliated by going down on her knees and confessed her love for Hrithik. Awww…that’s so sweet. x)) And Shah Rukh was so damn cute and hot at the same time!! :O I LOOOOOVE when he sweats!! xD And his act ended. Then, more important awards were given to the deserving winners and finally the moment came. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan presented the Best Actor Viewer’s Choice award to you-know-who!! WOW!! I just watched SRK himself walked to the stage and received the award!! It was a touching moment for me!! x’)) And a small act by Priyanka Chopra soon after, imitating Rizvan. She walked to where SRK and Karan sat and chatted a bit with them. And after a few smiles and giggles and laughs I got from you-know-who the award function officially ended at 2 am. 🙂 After the show there was an after-event party at the Skypark. Me and Shar knew about that and tried checking out the Skypark at the topmost floor and found out it was held at a lounge. So we couldn’t enter as we’re Muslims. Plus, I was wearing hijab and I thought only those with passes could enter. We went back to the room and finally got some rest. 🙂

The next day I went to the Skypark with Tqasha and Shar. The view was so beautiful up there and I thought I would freak out as I have a fear for heights but I didn’t. 🙂 And the swimming pool was mindblowing! I wanted to take a swim but then I would need to wear a swimsuit. 😛 So we checked-out at 11 am and Shar sent Tqasha to the airport as she was leaving that afternoon. I was gonna leave the next day noon. While waiting, I bumped into Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne, Anusha, Ronit Roy, Boman Irani, Sonu Sood, Dharmesh and other Dance India Dance stars except Shakti Mohan, one of the Moranis, Subhash Ghai, Punit Malhotra, and a few others I couldn’t remember. 😛 I didn’t get to meet Shah Rukh this time as the security was very tight plus he didn’t walk into the lobby, but I actually talked to his right-hand man, Subhash Jain! 😀 And he remembered me when he saw me at the airport last April! =D He was so so nice and did something unthinkable. 😛 Asked him about Shah Rukh, Gauri, and about Don 2 in Malaysia. ;D He told me that Shah Rukh was still at MBS and was gonna leave at 12 pm as he had to go to Argentina at 12.30 pm on a chartered flight. We said goodbye and he left. And oh, me and my friend sneaked into the underground parking area where we thought the stars would leave from. Saw very big cars. 😀 Now I know what they mean by BIG cars. But we got chased away by a security guy. xP I mean, he politely asked us to leave as it’s a restricted area. Haha. He even sent us to the lift to make sure we really left that place. 😛

Well, that was it. My report for last weekend. 😀 Hmm, to be frank, I wasn’t disappointed or frustrated that I couldn’t get to meet Shah Rukh in person this time as I didn’t actually get to prepare anything for him. Plus, I didn’t look forward to it because of the reason I told you earlier. BUT. I will definitely hunt for him again when he comes to Malaysia veryyyyy soon. =D Less than a month now!! Well, better go! Have classes tomorrow and need to drive from home early morning! ;D See you later!

p/s : If you want to view pics and videos, please go to my FB profile or make a request here. 🙂 And oh, thanks a lot once again Zee TV and Tune Talk! ;D

Signing off,


We meet again! 🙂 Hehe I haven’t posted anything since the last few days ‘cos I was away for vacation. My parents thought that since our flights for umrah are now postponed to January, we should go on a holiday trip somewhere. So yeah, it was a 4-day-3-night trip, beginning early Saturday morning. We went to Terengganu, stayed there for a night, then to Kelantan, another night, and next to Pahang, another night and went back last Tuesday. Man, it was a very tiring and exhausting journey. -.- Felt good to meet my cousin, Piqah, who’s studying in Kelantan! Else me and my sister wouldn’t get a room to ourselves! ‘Cos we managed to force her to sleep at the hotel for the night despite her having class the next day. Hahaha. We stayed at the Renaissance hotel in Kelantan. I like everything about the room. Haha, never stayed at such room before. 😛 Hmm, if a room of a 5-star hotel in Kelantan looks like this, I wonder how the room of the hotel Shah Rukh stayed at in KL looks like. x) Somehow the thought of it thrills me, that’s why I got excited. Haha.

Oh! I’ve been watching Playful Kiss for the last few days and just finished watching! Done with all the episodes, the special editions, and even Seung Jo’s diaries! ;D Looooove the drama!! Despite Seung Jo’s late love confession to Ha Ni that boils my blood -.- , everything else is perfect! Seung Jo definitely makes up for it by being discretely romantic to Oh Ha Ni. x)) And dang, he looks so fine and good-looking as always! Haha, yea, I love Kim Hyun Joong. ;D All the hairstyles suit him! 😀 But what I like the most about the series is that the storyline is like only revolving between the two main characters. And that Ha Ni’s mother-in-law likes her from the start and does everything to get Ha Ni and Seung Jo closer to each other. And also, her disguises really tickle me. Hahaha. Poor Eun Jo, forced by his mother to abet with her xD Good thinking, Mr. Director. Have never watched a carefree, lighthearted drama like this before. “Tak menyakitkan hati.” Hahaha. But Ha Ni’s naivety sometimes angers me. x(

Gosh. It’s already Dec 23rd people!! O.O Only 10 effing days left before I start my lessons back!! T.T I don’t wanna go back to uni!! BWAAAAHHHHH. This semester break is too short. ='(((

But, I wish you all the best for tomorrow, Muhammad Hazique Ghazali. InsyaAllah 8A’s will be yours. 🙂 By tomorrow I mean, this morning. 😛

Signing off,

5:15 AM

5:15 am. Yep. I’m always like this when I’m back home. I don’t sleep like others do at the usual hours. I’m proud to be a nocturnal owl, just like you-know-who. 😛 By now you should’ve figured out who you-know-who I always talk about right? Haha. It’s good that a better, pleasant mood has settled in me. I mean, I’m kinda getting over the last-post thingy. 🙂 Well, I’m actually waiting for my videos to load so that’s why I’m here. 😛 Gosh. It’s taking like forevah! -.- Okay, now I’m starting to feel dizzy. -.-” Sorry for making you read my crap. Shall leave.